
Wilbur is a helper dog in playgroup where he helps socialize newly rescued dogs!

Wilbur came to me as a foster dog in 2019 from the rescue organization One Tail at a Time. When he went to the vet to get neutered I missed him so much and knew I had to adopt him! It’s called a “foster fail” but I definitely won and I think Wilbur did too. Wilbur is a happy, quiet dog in the house but loves to let loose at the dog park. He’s always been pretty scared of water but is working on overcoming his fear. Wilbur has volunteer experience at One Tail at a Time playgroup where he helps socialize newly rescued dogs. He’s so patient with dogs who are decompressing and working on appropriate interactions and has made an excellent foster brother as well. Throughout the pandemic he has brought me so much happiness and I’d be lost without the companionship of this silly boy.



