
Pic of Mei-Lin.jpg

The name Mei-Lin means beautiful gem in Chinese.

I first met Mei-Lin while volunteering with SHC’s playgroup in 2018. Although Mei wasn’t feeling well at the time, she had an incredibly gentle and welcoming energy towards every person and dog she came in contact with. The timing of when we met was serendipitous as I had recently lost one of my dogs to cancer and was hoping to rescue another in her honor. Before bringing Mei-Lin home, I introduced her to my children. That meeting was everything as she was perfectly solicitous, engaging, gentle, affectionate with them. I believe her loving personality is a testament of the perseverance and forgiving nature of dogs, as the thick scar across the front of her neck tells a story of prior neglect. Mei-Lin’s positive energy is what I love most about her. She also has a silly side. I think she must have been a yogi in a past life as she finds resting in downward dog just as comfortable is sitting. It’s no surprise that Mei’s favorite thing to do is climb up on my chest and sleep with her face in the crook of my neck. The name Mei-Lin means beautiful gem in Chinese, which is exactly what she is to my family.



