
Shiloh headshot (Debbie Liu).jpg

Shiloh loves to travel—he’s been to two countries and 11 states!

Shiloh is a five year-old male medium-sized beagle mix. He was found as an underweight heartworm+ stray at the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare and was later transported out through the Oklahoma Humane Society. He started medical treatment at Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago and became a special foster candidate in July 2017. Shiloh was only supposed to be fostered during his heartworm recovery period but after 3 months of cuddling and learning tricks, it became impossible for his foster pawrents to say goodbye. He became a foster-fail and now enjoys the life of traveling (2 countries, 11 states!) and taking specialty classes like dog acting, swimming, and nosework. He volunteers at public schools helping students overcome anxiety with reading and writing and is a therapy dog in his free time.



